

Have you heard about the terrible earthquake in Turkey and Syria ?


  1. The earthquake that took place in Turkey and Syria is truly horrible, it caused more than 40,000 deaths, despite some survivors and miracles who were able to come out from under the rubble, thousands of people lost limbs family, some children have lost their parents and some parents have lost their children, both countries are in national mourning after what has just happened, they have received support and donations of clothes and food and money from all over the world

    Lucas Semedo BTS 1

  2. Yes , it's very sad for the families who have lost their family members . There were many deaths and it will take a long time for rebuild the buildings . But I think it's a good thing that other countries are helping Syria and Turkey .

    Lea Pujol 101

  3. The earthquakes in Turkey and Syria were really devastating for both countries, they caused many deaths and injuries and it made me very sad because earthquakes can happen anywhere and anytime. Fortunately there were some miracles, for example a 21 days old baby was found alive under the rubble in the arms of his dead mother who protected him with her body.

  4. In Syria and Turkey a double earthquake occurred, French Turkish send donations to the victims of the earthquake.
    It is very sad and unpredictable, the survivors are arrested and separated from their families to be brought to safety.
    Lola C.

  5. indeed, I think that everyone has heard of this earthquake. The statistics are impressive more than 40,000 dead it's terrifying when I saw the images on the media I directly had a thought for the families who live there. I think it's important to help them as we can do it.

    Viallaron Edgar 1ere 1

    1. *I immediately thought of the families

      Viallaron Edgar

  6. I think it’s really terrible what is happening in these countries, because it doesn’t only concern them but also the planet. On the one hand, people are losing their house’s and family members. On the other hand the planet is falling down and it’s really sad.
    Irina Pentelescu

  7. Yes, I heard about this terrible incident.
    I think it must have been really hard for the different families who lost their families or friends. Also, they lost everything they had in terms of material, with their houses being destroyed.
    In Sirye, there are almost 500,000 people who died during this earthquake, a huge number.
    I hope that all these families will be able to rebuild themselves morally with the time of the loss of their loved ones, but also physically if they were affected.
    Dorotea Natoli 101

  8. ludmilla mulumba 1013 April 2023 at 22:42

    Yes, I heard about the huge earthquake in Turkey . My father's family were on site because they are Turkish and family friends were affected

  9. Yes I’ve heard of it that’s terrible, there were many injuries and deaths, so many houses destroyed, and less ressources for the victims like food and clothes…
