
Can people from different origins and cultures live peacefully together in the same country?


  1. I feel that America, while far from perfect, is a good example of this. Though, like any society, we are bogged down by hateful people with backwards attitudes, most Americans are very proud that our country is a "melting pot." The American culture is distinctive because it is is a combination of all the cultures that have contributed to the growth of this country. This is a country entirely built on immigrants, and I love that the presence of each group is felt strongly in our national culture. While our individual roots are a large part of us, we are all able to collectively identify as "American".

    1. I definitely agree with you Rianna! According to me, a strong country is based on different cultures, nationalities as in America. It's really important to be proud of this -melting pot-
      Thanks for your comment :)

  2. Unfortunately, racism, xenophobia and antisemitism are still widespread in a lot of countries.
    But can people from different origins and cultures live peacefully together in the same country?

    Racism appeared for a long time ago. First with slavery of black people. After black people do not stop to be persecuted with the segregation in America or the apartheid in South Africa. Moreover every know the anti-semitism of nazi and its consequences. However, now a lot of law exist to fight against the racism and to live as equals in the eyes of all, and to live in the society without taking into account skin color or religion. However some countries denied these laws.

    To summarize people from different origins and cultures can live in the same country if the country's law punishes racist acts.

    1. ... appeared a long time ago... the slavery of black people... Afterward, black people continued to be persecuted using segregation in the United States and Apartheid in South Africa... everyone knows... a lot of laws... against racism... live as equals and to live in a society where skin color or religion are not taken into account...

  3. Nobody born racist , but everybody born with differents cultures and origins .
    In the same country there are a lot of differents person like fat , slim , short , tall , white , black , muslim , catholique and other ...But each person can bring something to someone . The world will be best if racism , antisemitism xenophobia doesn't exist.
    Yes , people from differents origins and cultures can live together in the same country but the principal asset is respect , everyone has their opinions , his religion and origin , you can be what you want without encroaching on the freedom of others.

  4. Nowadays, many couples divorce. But can people from different cultures live peacefully?
    Everything depends if they really live around their culture or not. Indeed, two persons who have always lived in the same country, don't have the same origins but have the same culture. So, they can stay a long time together. A boy, for instance, lives since his childhood in Germany but have Chinese origin, and his girlfriend lives too in Germany since her birth and have Spanish origin. Even if they have different origins, they have the same mentality because they have both always lived in the same country. Consequently, they could live a very long time together, if of course, different religion doesn't take a big place in their life.
    Is it true that people often marry and practise both their religion. At first, they are happy, like everybody, but then whe they marry and have children, education and life become insupportable because of the religion. For example, a Christian girl and a Muslim boy because of their different culture argue on the behavior of their daily life. Many couples who have different religion divorce then and often nastily.
    Consequently, people who have the same culture and mentility can hope to have a beautiful life together, however, if not, especially with different religion don't often have a great future together.

  5. In France , like in everywhere else in the world , the racism and the discrimination are present but can one day , people live peacefully together ?

    Yes , people from different origins and cultures could live peacefully together if people were not afraid by the other people . That is from where come the racism , people are afraid of what is different , of what they don't know . To live in harmony with other persons with different origins and cultures you have to be interested and not to be afraid by this differences to understand other way of life than yours .
    Nobody born racist but anyone can become !

    To make people from different origins and cultures live peacefully together in the same country , we have to suppress the idea of differences between people and the afraid of unknown . Everyone is human , only the ways of life change between people .

    1. Nicolas, I agree with your statement what you responded!
      Just some things:
      "but one day, could people live together peacefully?"
      "-if people were not afraid of the other people"
      "This is where racism comes from"
      "-interested and not afraid by these differences"
      Your last paragraph is perfect!

  6. It's such a good question which merits a lot of reflexion. First of all, I think that the reason why some people are racists is that they're afraid of what they don't know or understand. But if children grow up with the good education, we can see that they don't reject an other child who's from an other country or who's got a different culture. I'd like to add something that can explain my opinion : "What prevents people from living together, it is their bullshit, not their differences", citation from Anna Gavalda's book, "Ensemble c'est tout".

  7. Everyone has his own ideas, his own thoughts, his own culture and origine.. But can everybody with his own ideas live together?

    First of all, everyone on Earth has to respect the others. Even if each person thinks differently than the other, everyone must respect all the differences. Indeed, two persons not from the same origine can be friends or enemies and this relies only on respect. Secondly, there are unfortunalty so many wars all around the world because of racism. Today, loads of persons don't respect at all what is different from them. But others have understood that the main things to make everyone live together in peace are respect and tolerance.

    In conclusion, people from different origins can live together peacefully in the same country but only if they understand the importance of repect.

    1. I agree! Respect is definitely the key for different people to live together peacefully. I hate to see that so many people these days lack respect. Like you said, it's so sad and hard to believe that there are still wars going on all around the world because of differences such as racism, but I have hope that we can make a difference by respecting everyone and setting a good example for others!

  8. Today, in a country, many religions, cultures and origins are mixed. All the knowledges are made to be share and learn by everybody. Thus people form different origins and cultures can live peacefully in the same country ?

    If everybody respects everybody without damaging others I think that people can live quietly together. As said it a poet "It takes all kinds to make a world', all different kinds are beneficial for the others and everybody needs to know something else than one even and to open his spirit.

    Finally, everybody can live together as long the respect this simple rule : my freedom stops where that of others begins.

  9. As a child of immigrant parents, I strongly believe that yes, people of different origins can live peacefully together in the same country. Being an American has taught me that my country is one that was designed by and for the mixing of cultures. Our country is filled with those possessing similar, and differing, backgrounds.People must learn to build bridges over cultural divides and come together as one, using past disputes to do nothing but bring them close together as a new people.

  10. I think you guys have made great points about how people of different cultures can live together. Yes there can be some troubles but it should and does work. Living in America I have seen this myself. People of all different cultures live in America and they live with one another peacefully

  11. Yes, definately! It is happening right now in cities aroƻd the world such as New York, London and even here in Nice.

    Of course, not all countries are peacefull. Some are trying to change their situation like the countries of North Africa. On the other hand, in developing countries, they are many people who didrupt the peace and authorities have to control that. A long time ago, not everyone was treated as equals because of their origins, cultures, beliefs, or sexuality but today a lot of countries evolved. Now the population in develope countries accept differences between people easily. Mentality can change other time.

    In conclusion, a lot of countries already leave in peace with each others and some are on the way.

    1. ...definitely!
      ...around the world..
      ...are peaceful...
      ...disrupt the peace...
      ...a lot of countries have evolved...
      ...developing countries...
      Mentalities can change over time.
      ...with each other and some are on their way.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I am not an American but I have been in America recently and I can concur with those who believe that people from different origins and culture can live together. One major downfall to this reality in many instances is the inability of some individuals to respect the values and preferences of others. I am happy to note that I have seen where persons have come to accept individuals as they are not that you are in favour of there values but you respect the person.

  14. There is no doubt in my mind that people from different origins and cultures can live together peacefully in the same country. After all we are human beings, we are not savages. I am from the island of Jamaica, and our motto is "out of many one people". Our motto in and of itself answers the question. We are a combination of people from all over the globe, living, working and growing together. Yes problematic situations arise from time to time but that is life in and of itself. So once again it is with utmost pride I say "people from different origins and cultures can live together peacefully in the same country."

  15. When it all comes down to what matters,m people are just people irrespective of race, socio-economic status or religious persuasion. In the midst of our diversity we all crave the same things: love,companionship,solidarity and peace. If we love each other enough to look past our selfish desires we'll put each other first, and by serving each other we'll there'll be no master or servants, but brothers and sisters. Family

  16. Most of people have prejudice when they meet a person who doesn't come to the same country that these persons or doesn't have the same culture. So, can people from different origins and cultures live peacefully together in the same country ?

    First of all, people from different origins and cultures can live peacefully together in the same country because each day, we meet a person who doesn't have the same culture that you, but generally we don't know this infirmation and you can be friend with this person without problems.
    However, I don't want to be pessimistic, but I don't think that one day all the people will live together without conflicts even if this alternative will be perfect ! Indeed, there is always someone who doesn't accept a person from different origins and cultures. It's horrible to say that but it's the reality, we don't live in the paradise !

    To conclude, I think that people from different origins and cultures can but at the same time can't live peacefully together in the same country today because of these several reasons. I would like to say that : ' the people from different origins and cultures should be live together without problems ' !

    1. Many people have... come from the same country as these people... we meet someone who doesn't have the same culture as you... be friends with... the alternative is perfect! ...we don't live in paradise... should be able to live together...

  17. Since the beginning of the world, different tribes have lived together. But nowadays, because of religion, economic and political reasons there's racism. So can people from different origins and cultures live peacefully together in the same country?

    First of all, some famous people fought either for the liberty of expression or against slavery. For instance, Martin Luther King struggled against slavery whereas Nelson Mandela fought against the Apartheid. Nevertheless, it shows that there are courageous men or women.

    Then, to succeed in anything we need to be optimistic. That is to say that even if racism still exists, we have to believe in the humanity.
    One should not forget that in France for example, any kind of insults or racism behaviour is punished by the law.

    To conclude, I think that people from different origins can live peacefully in the same country thanks to Heroes and their courage.

  18. Our world is full of people from different origins. So, does people who come from different places can live together in the same country ?

    First of all, physical appearance and origin have nothing to do with relationship.
    Everyone has their one way of thinking and of seeing things differently from others.
    The most important thing is morality, respect, education and intelligence.
    Nowadays, there are lots of cosmopolitan cities where people who were born in diverse country live together. We can explain that because today, it's very easy to travel from a city to an other and from a country to an other.

    To conclude, the best example must be in the United States where we can talk about a real melting pot. We can live together peacefully if we can accept people the way there are, no matter their thoughts, religion and culture.

    1. ...can people who come from different places live together... with relationships... their own way... The most imortant things are... diverse countries... from one city to another and from one country to another... the way they are...

  19. In the world there is lot of different cultures, but not many countries where they are mixed, so can people from different origins and cultures live peacefully together in the same country ?

    Each country has his culture, but today we can see that few countries do not have their own culture. The United States is a good example, if there is a country which have lot of cultures who come from all over the world it's the United States and particularly New York. There are things who show that New York is the city who host many people from different origins : first, when you walk in the street you do not hear just English but many languages like Spanish and Chinese, then there are lot of restaurant who propose different food, like Japanese food, Mexican food and many others. This diversity is awesome but there some problems like racism or discrimination, but it exists in all over the world and we have to deal with it…

    In conclusion, yes people from different cultures and origin can live together peacefully, it is the case in lot of country. Sometimes there are problems but it's normal, the life can't be awesome all the time.

  20. Today there are 7 million human on earth. Every person of the world have an origin, religion and skin color.
    I think every peoples can be accepted. For example in U.S.A there are a chinese, african, mexican or spanish neighborhoods.I think there's one race to the world the Human race. I think the peoples from different countries can live together because there are lots of law in the world who says "Discrimination based on membership or non-membership of an ethnic group, nation, race or religion is prohibited" that's why all the world can live peacefully. Moreover live with someone of another origin enriched our culture. For example a japanese origin person can learn you to make sushi or a person of Italian origin can learn you to make pizza.

  21. Yes of course they can at the end of the day we are one people who are alike in so many different ways.

  22. Racism and discrimination are real problems in our society. So can people from different origins and cultures live peacefully together in the same country ?

    I am convinced that people can live peacefully in the same country even if they are different.
    First, we all know that "All men are born free and equal in rights" which means that it doesn't matter our culture, our religion or our belief, we are all equal and we can all live together. Secondly, living with people from other cultures is very enriching because diversity makes us discover other ways to see the life, other languages, other dishes... Thirdly, a lot of countries like France, but especially like America show that different people can live together : hispanic, chinese, italian, mexican,...and they live peacefully. New York is a great cosmopolitan city, people come from all over the world and they are able to live, work together and to be friends ! Moreover, a lot of children were born from "mixings", so that makes the world be cosmopolitan.

    To conclude, I know that different people can live together. But, unfortunately, racism and discrimination sometimes prevent those mixings.

  23. Today, we are 7 milliards humans in the world and we are all very different. There's a hundred of origins, around 15 religions and thousands of cultures. Millions of persons leave their country to live in a new place. So, can people from different origins and cultures live peacefully together in the same country ?

    First of all, many countries have people with his own origins, thoughts, ideas. However, some are open-minded, others are racist, antisemit, xenophob. They want to exclude blacks and jewish especially.
    But in general, many people are open-minded. In the 50's, there were segregation, 60 years after, a black was elected president in the USA.

    To conclude, people from different origins and cultures can live together but there are still tensions between people. World would be better if xenophobia doesn't exist.

    For Yann : we are not 7 millions but 7 milliards !

  24. Today people travel easily around the world .
    Hence there are many people who don't live in their own countries . We can see a lot of different origins and cultures in the same country.

    In my opinion it's great to live from different origins. We can learn a lot about other cultures and traditions. That helps us to be more open minded and accept other peoples differences.
    On the other hand it's may create some cultures shocks, for example our Chinese neighbor ,who is an old lady when we commented something nice on her she always says "No no no, it could be better. So we thought she was never happy about our compliment on her. But actually she is just being humble. Her children explain to us it's the Chinese culture not to accept compliment easily. It can also create more important conflicts due to different religions and political opinions.

    Although all these differences between different cultures I still think we can live peacefully all together in the same country. The best example is NY despite some many different cultures, nationalities, religions they can still live together without conflicts that's why we call it the Melting pot.
    We just have to be more tolerant , open minded to one and other's differences !

    1. L.4 It's great to live with people from diferents origins
      L.5 accept people's differences
      L.7 it may create some culture shocks
      L.8 neighbour
      L.9 compliments
      L.10 Her children once explained to us that it is ....
      L.14 the best example is the USA despite that there are so many

  25. In my opinion, I feel that we CAN live with others that are different, who have different beliefs and different opinions about things. It's all about acceptance; we have to learn to accept someone for who they are and not try to change them to become like-minded. Sure, there are people who are like-minded and do believe what we believe, but there are people that aren't. Acceptance is key. It really is. What good is a group of people who don't accept someone for what they believe or whatever? The end result wouldn't be peace, no, it'd be chaos. No one would be friends, no one would friendly, treating others like they would like to be treated but rather there would be hatred. Not only towards that one person, but perhaps to their whole family. You see, hatred spreads. Not only in your heart, but also to others. It could be considered dangerous and contagious.

    Main point, yes, people could live together when they come from different cultures. It has happened before, is happening now, and will happen in the future (hopefully). However, this also means that there have been people that don't like it and can't, people that don't like it and people that will not like living with others of a different culture. Hopefully this would never happen.

  26. Laura, you have to say: "In my opinion" or "To my mind" or "I think" and not according to me.

  27. I personally believe that people from different culture and origins can live peacfully together in the same country. I believe though, that the reason why we have racism and discrimination is present in our society in our modern day is because you still have a few shollow minded individuals who believes he/she is better than others.

    I have been to the United in the summer of last year and I met a lot of people from various parts of the world and they are living peacefully. As a Jamaican our Motto is "Out of Many One People" showing similarity in diversity. When we learn to respect and appreciate persons for whom they are, not condoning with some of their practices but respecting them we will live peacefully.

  28. In my opinion it's great to live from different origins. We can learn a lot about other cultures and traditions. That helps us to be more open minded and accept other peoples differences.
    On the other hand it's may create some cultures shocks, for example our Chinese neighbor ,who is an old lady when we commented something nice on her she always says "No no no, it could be better. So we thought she was never happy about our compliment on her. But actually she is just being humble. Her children explain to us it's the Chinese culture not to accept compliment easily. It can also create more important conflicts due to different religions and political opinions.

    Although all these differences between different cultures I still think we can live peacefully all together in the same country. The best example is NY despite some many different cultures, nationalities, religions they can still live together without conflicts that's why we call it the Melting pot.
    We just have to be more tolerant , open minded to one and other's differences !

  29. People who find it hard to live with other people from other country are being very unkind to others and themselves, we must come to the realization that we are one nation and one people, the only difference is that we have different skin color and speak different languages, but we all eat, drink, work, go to school, smile and sometimes faces problems but at the end of the day we are one people, am living in Jamaica and I have bee to Bahamas and they treat me very well as though I was born there I personally believe that people from different culture and origins can live peacfully together in the same country. I believe though, that the reason why we have racism and discrimination is present in our society in our modern day is because you still have a few shollow minded individuals who believes he/she is better than others.

  30. To understand how people of different cultures can life together peacefully it is important to understand one thing: we are all alike. We laugh when we think something is funny, we cry when someone we love dies. These are basic human emotions which (almost) every person shares and which are instantly recognizable across all cultures. Sometimes it appears as though our differences are greater than our similarities. It was this bias that my friends and I sought to overcome with our project.

  31. It is possible. Many times people think that distinct variations are problematic to a particular group of people, however; variation accounts for certain advantages. A population that is diverse will be more advantageous and culturally rich than one is of a systemic way of life. Each variant adds to the other and transfer of knowledge occurs. If this trend is accepted then it becomes that much easier for people of diverse cultures to populate a geographical location without the presence of conflict between them.

  32. It is possible. Many times people think that distinct variations are problematic to a particular group of people, however; variation accounts for certain advantages. A population that is diverse will be more advantageous and culturally rich than one is of a systemic way of life. Each variant adds to the other and transfer of knowledge occurs. If this trend is accepted then it becomes that much easier for people of diverse cultures to populate a geographical location without the presence of conflict between them.

  33. It is not hard to live with people from different origins and cultures peacefully together in the same country? because i was born in Jamaica and I have the opportunity to communicate and socialize with people from other parts of the wold and it is really fun, one thing I do enjoy is the different types of culture and what they have ton offer if i was only communicating with my culture only, how boring that would surely be!!!

  34. I do agree that people from different culture and origins can live peacefully together in the same country. Even though we have prejudice people all over the world but we can surely come together and live peacefully after all we are all made by same creator. I have read about countries over the world who prefer to talk to people because of their colour, culture and social background. But we can come together and share our culture and all the wonderful things that our country has to offer. I am a Jamaican and my culture is wonderful and I do believe we can share it with our friends all over the world.

  35. I believe that people from different origins can live peacefully together. America is known as the world's melting pot, made up of people of all different origins and ethnicities. I think being in a diverse environment exposes people to the different cultures contained in our world today. It is very fun to see people embrace their heritage and share it with the rest of the world. As usual, there will always be people who are against "mixing", but those people probably have not had much experience with people of different origins. We should all be happy where we come from, and embrace our cultures and everyone's culture.

  36. Can people from different origins and cultures live peacefully together in the same country ? What a question! It has never come across my mind that people from different origins and cultures CANNOT live together in the same country. Come on people we are in the 21st century now!!!

    Ever since I was born. I have always lived with people from different origins around me, for example my next door neighbors are originally from Labanon, the baker in our neighbourood is originally from Italy and myself, I'm half Spanish and half French. I think it is juste natural to live peacefully together in our cosmopolitan society nowadays. We are so used to seeing people from different countries, hearing different languages, eating foreign food. These are part of our daily life. It also broaden our minds. Of course we can have conflicts, but mainly due to the difference of education and personalities. And in some cases, it also due to difference religions.

    After all, I can never live in a country with only one and unique nationality and religion. It's so boring. And by the way tonight I'm invited to my godmother's to celebrate Chinese New Year obviously she is Chinese.
    Thanks to her, I know this year is the year of horse.

    1. ...Lebanon... neighborhood...just... This is a part of our daily lives... broadens... difference in education and personalities... difference in religion...

  37. My entire family is from India. Both of my parents were born there. They tell me stories about when they came to America. My dad always tells me that it was hard at first but he made a lot of friends surprisingly quickly. Even with me, all of my friends are intrigued by my culture because I am Hindu. Even at school, I see people of so many different ethnic backgrounds, religions, and races. It is wonderful to see how so many different people can live together peacefully.

  38. It is not only possible for people of diverse background to live together peacefully but actually essential for each and every country to move forward. Each culture and group of people can make some kind of beneficial contribution to a country, whether it is an advancement in technology, a contribution to fashion, a new type of music, or even a new food.

    Unfortunately, some people still have misconceptions and prejudices against people of other cultures because of a lack of understanding. Racism, for instance, is not something one is born with but a form of discrimination that is often taught to the younger generations by older generations who have learned from their parents,who learned it from their parents. The clear way to break this cycle is to educate people so they learn to respect people of all cultures.

  39. yes, they can but they would have to learn how to live with each other differences. Respect each other culture and learn about the culture in order to know how to relate to each other.

  40. hi my name is Jermaine and i am a student of the Northern Caribbean University of Jamaica, I do believe that people from different origins and cultures live peacefully together in the same country. I say this because of my own experiences even at my present school where we have students attending my home school from other territories and we do get along very well.

  41. Most of my family is living in new york and they are all Jamaicans and they always inform me of how happy they are living there, and how well they communicate socialized with the Americans, the go to school, church, the park, the movies, and work together, and from their experiences it is most times fun because they learn to love and respect and work in harmony with people in spite of of what culture or race they are from, and one thing am sure of they also learned from other culture and other culture also learned from my family so I do believe people from different origins and cultures can live peacefully together in the same country.

  42. Well it all depends. Some countries respect the culture or origin of others while others don't entirely. Take for example the motto of Jamaica which states "Out of Many One People," which means that even if you are Chinese, European, Buddhist or from any other ethnic group or religious background or affiliation, we are all one and privy to the live in harmony. On the contrary, some individuals of other countries are adamant that as long as you dwell on their island, you have to adapt all their principles or there will be a serious consequences. You do not have the right to be yourself or even share your belief and culture with others. Now this to me unbearable.

    People or different cultures and origins can live together, but only if respect is given to all and their rights are executed. I am not suggesting that people should live and do as they please to the extend of affecting and disrespecting others, but their should be peace and togetherness.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. They can live together in the same country and also in an intimate relationship.

  45. The world has become small, and we are with each other, affecting, and interacting with each other, than we ever have in the history of the world.
    And we are not the same. Yes, we are all human beings.
    We do not think the same. We don’t pray to the same gods. We don’t choose the same cultural values. We don’t share specific histories. We interpret the world, and ourselves in it, in very different ways.

    After all, I can never live in a country with only one and unique nationality and religion. It's so boring.

    To conclude, the best example must be in the United States where we can talk about a real melting pot. We can live together peacefully if we can accept people the way there are, no matter their thoughts, religion and culture.

  46. Since the beggining of the civilization there was always of the racism, If people can't thinking themself
    2 minutes and say themself; "if we can't live together that we are white or black, the world will never move in the right direction.

  47. Sorry, I mispoke;
    Since the beggining of racism and discrimination in History, there was the white man.
    The white man causes many desolation in the world and his impact have affected lot of people, like black man, or the indigene population. That's normal now that there is still confrontation toward all the Human race.
    My opinion:
    When we see that we have terrorists on Earth who kill people under a totally stupid pretext, we can't say that the world can't live in peace and harmony,
    We live quietly, away from danger like if nothing happens.
    Wars like the Second where some people considering upper than a whole religion killed for an other stupid pretext, or the war in Syria where thousands of people leave their countries under the threat and the danger, we can lost hope.
    But we have to keep it and live under our convictions, otherwise we can live with other and stay in a cave.
    That's it, thank you for your time, enjoy.

  48. We all live in a world where everyone is different and has his own origins and personality. That’s what makes Life so wonderful. We have to live peacefully in the respect of each other because every one of these 7, 7 billion people is unique. It is beautiful and very significant that so many cultures exist and it is the opportunity to learn what we don’t know. Curiosity is very important are rare because it can permit us to travel around the world to discover new countries, landscapes, traditions and people. All of these things are precious for our general culture and to open our eyes on the beautiful world we all live on. Since I was a little girl, I’m always friend with girls and boys who have a different ways of lives as mine because they come from different countries such as Iran, Ivory Cote, Lebanon or Romania. Even if we are in the 21° century, xenophobia, racism, homophobia and every sorts of hates or fears from different origins, religions or ways of lives still exist. Actual problems and conflicts all around the world are made because of the fact that some people think that they can be or think in a superior way or that they can have more and more place in the case of territories wars. Put yourself in other’s shoes: imagine your life if some people do not agree with your skin’s color, your religion or something else. Finally I have a piece of advice which is to respect each other and do not go away the limits because it can hurt. We have to enjoy what the difference can learn us to be such a good, an open-minded and a tolerant person

    Mathilde Hay 104

  49. Yes it is possible but in some countries it remains impossible because the differences are too great according to some inhabitants. For example in the United States peace remains relatively unstable due to rasism. But I think that the goal of all heads of state is to restore this unstable peace.

    Hortencia Semedo

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