
Smart drugs

Would you be ready to take smart drugs to improve your school performance? Why /why not?


  1. Hello !

    No, I wouldn't be ready to take smart drugs, for many reasons. First of all, nobody knows exactly the potential effects that consuming these products can have on one's brain : of course it improves mental capacities for a short time, but perhaps it has a bad impact on the brain in the long run, especially if people have a high consumption. Perhaps in twenty years, scientists will find out that these products can create diseases, so I think we should be very careful with these drugs.
    Then, I don't think it is fair to take smart drugs for school, because one can have better grades by taking theses drugs without studying than people who work hard and do their best. This doesn't seem very moral to me : work is one of the values I find the most important, and if people who didn't work could have better results that people who tried hard, going to school itself would become useless.

    Octave MOULARD TL1

  2. Hello,
    I would never take drugs to improve my school results because first of all these drugs are very harmful to health: in the United States, some young students use ADERALL which is a very addictive drug. ADERALL help them to have their degree, but this drug destroys their life and prevent them to have a peaceful life. Also, I think that improving his results with drugs takes away the credit, because success has just to come from self and from its work. Finally, I think that in high school, there is not much competition and that, therefore, drug use is even less justified.
    Everyone has to succeed in high school thanks to his work and not thanks to drugs.

    Terence Viellard TS2

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hello,
    I would not take smart drugs too. Medicines which are prescribed are initially destined to people who have an attention deficit, a memory disorder, sleep disorder,...
    Indeed, I think that if you take these medicines without having any problems and only in order to have better grades you don't know how it will affect your brain, your physical abilities and your psychic ability. Moreover I think that you can't be sure that it will boost your capacities and then you have done it for nothing and you just maltreated your health. And if consume them often you will need more quantity to satisfy your objectives. It's a vicious circle because maybe you won't have expected results so you become an addict and you won't only do it to improve your capacities but to satisfy your own pleasure.
    Finally, I agree with Terrence on what he said about credit and success in high school


  5. Hello.
    So first of all, I never heard about about smart drugs, I don't know what do they look like or what are their effects. I suppose that it increase your intelligence. In smart drugs, there is still the word "DRUGS" and drugs are linked to addiction. Every drug got at least 1 bad effect even " smart drugs " so I would not take them at all even if I'll became smarter. But, it's my opinion so many people will think differently and take them, but I strongly disagree with them.

  6. Hello everybody !
    First of all, I didn’t know that « smart pills » existed. So I made a few researches on the Internet and I was really surprised to see how desesperate people are. They put their mental health aside, to be more concentratred and efficient (for their jobs most of the time). Indeed, in one of the article the exemple was people who worked in the Silicon Valley, because they work under a lot of presure. Besides in another article, the journalist tried different pills. Most of the time it didn’t worked. Moreover he said that there were a lot of side effects. Therefore I won’t take « smart drugs » in order to improve my school performance.
    To conclude with, people should be more confident in what they are capable of.

  7. Hello,
    First of all, I think that smart drugs are a very important subject to talk about.
    On the one hand, when you work for a contest or exam that will determine your life, it’s very stressful. It’s so stressful that some people can’t study what they want because they can’t handle the stress and the pressure. So, thanks to smart drugs, a lot of people can pass their exams and get the job they have always dreamt of doing. By the way, to my mind, the success in your studies plays a very important role in your life: it allows you to be more confident, flourished and ambitious.
    On the other hand, when you are used to succeeding thanks to smart drugs, it might be very difficult to stop taking them because the work level would probably be unsustainable without them. Maybe you could believe that you couldn’t do anything without them and that you wouldn’t have achieved all you’ve achieved if you hadn't taken them. You could also think that you are not as intelligent as people who didn’t take smart drugs because they succeeded alone. So you wouldn’t be proud of yourself.
    Moreover, like other medicals, smart drugs can have unwanted effects such as vision changes, fainting, mental depression, problems with memory or anxiety. It can also cause you an overdose. Besides, taking smart drugs is quite unfair because people who don’t take them are disadvantaged compared to those who do.
    Finally, as far I’m concerned, I would not be ready to take smart drugs to improve my school performance because I find it pretty unfair and I wouldn’t be proud of myself if I had good marks or succeed an exam thanks to smart drugs.

  8. First of all, I would never be able to take drugs to improve my school performance.
    I think that I would understand if somebody stressed about playing his future with an exam, who doesn’t trust in his potential, in his intelligence and in his grades, could be tempted to try that.
    Someone who doesn’t think enough would say that getting good grades more easily is tempting, that it would help him in his future and in his life, but I think it would have the opposite effect.
    Firstly, the drug is an addictive substance, and if everything would starts from an exam, from the powerful will to not disappoint
    your family or even yourself, but the chances that the drug becomes an addiction, are too high. The drug would had as its initial goal to save your future, but in the end, it would destroy it in some way.
    Secondly, drugs are unhealthy. It slowly destroys us, reduces the number of our neurons, creates many respiratory and cardiac problems, stress, depression... Of course, the drug must surely have other consequences on our bodies that we will know in the future.
    Finally, I think taking drugs to increase those grades is deeply immoral. A good grade obtained in this way is really not one. When we have a good mark, we are proud of us, proud to have achieved our goals and to have made an effort for something. But, if we succeed in exam in this way, our future would rest on an illegal and shameful act that will not really help us. It would also be unfair to others.

  9. Marie-Louise Radu10 October 2019 at 18:09

    Hello !

    I only heard about smart drugs once and the girl ended up in a hospital. I think I'll never take smart drugs because I really don't want to harm my health and I think you can not be proud of your work anymore if the drugs did a big part of the job.
    Also drugs are always addictive so even if you take the smart drugs on time you will be attempt to retry.
    So did better grades worth drugs ? Maybe not but pass your exams for your dream job is it worth it ? Some people are ready to take the risk of harming their health for their dream job. Everyone can make the choice but you have to be carefull nobody knows exacly the long-term risk so I think you sould definitly just work more even if it's really hard rather than risk your health because It's one of the most important things in life.

  10. Hi everyone,

    It is important to me to express myself on this topic. I personally think that taking smart pills is a risk to take and with every risk there are consequences. However, i can not blame the persons who takes pills because we are in an educational system that leads, in some cases, to a lot of stress, anxiety and mental issues. It leads to those issues because we are suffering constant pressure everyday. This pressure comes from our parents, our teachers and our society in general.

    I personally think that smart pills are not the solution for achieving our goals, because like Confucius would say
    "It's not what's on the top of the mountain that matters, but the path u are taking to achieve it". This quote entirely explains the meaning of learning, we need to developpe our skills everyday because we got a conscient mind and we need to spread the knowledge we receive everyday

  11. Hello, I had never heard of smart drug before but, in my opinion, taking smart drugs might be very dangerous. I would never take a smart drug because I don't know the risks involved. I think it's very unfair to take some because in an exam, if these drugs work, student who have been studying for a long time would succeed less than someone who had taken the drug. And that seems unfair, it's like cheating. Also, taking drugs means that here will probably be secondary effects or an addiction which could destroy your body. Si I don't think that taking smart drugs is a smart idea.

  12. Hello !
    It’s the first time I heard about smart drugs, I suppose that it can improved your brain skills. I think taking smart drogs to improve shcool performances it’s a bad idea. It can be harmful for my body, for exemple creat addictions or health problems. Morever it can bring good marks but not in a good way. It’s better to work hard or learn your lessons it’s more beneficiale and honest. I will be more proud of myself if I get good markes like this because I will have more credit. To conclude I’m not ready to take smart drogs to improve my school performance, and in my opinion nobody should take it. Everyone is abble to work and think to get good markes.

  13. Hello everyone,
    I am against smart drugs because at first, it is usually taken at critical moments, such as the preparation of an exam or a particularly stressful professional episode. But by noting that the intellectual results are the present, the temptation is great to trivialize the catch, especially as paradoxically, it is usually accompanied by an increase of calm and lucidity.
    But obviously in this smart drugs there is an undeniable addictive effect, as for a "real" drug.
    So I think it's better to learn and work hard to succeed instead of taking smart drugs that are bad for you.
    Juliette Brinon

    1. Sorry I made some mistakes:
      - seeing that there is intellectul result
      - the temptation is great to do it again

  14. Hello,
    First of all I think we should not take smart drugs because it could be dangerous and it creates addiction.
    I understand why people takes it, my little sister gets very nervous when she has an exam and it makes her throw up. She is seeing someone because we want to understand what is happening and she is getting better.
    I'm against cheaters and I think there are other ways to have a good grade like ask someone to help you.
    So I won't take smart drugs to improve my grades

    1. correction:
      like asking someone

  15. Hello,
    I think that using smart drugs to expand our abilities at school could help some people who are very stressed (like for examen…).
    But I couldn’t do it.

    To begin , the smart drugs are bad because they damage organs (like the liver) and why put our lives in danger for marks ? Because with a lot of work, we can have very good marks but it takes some will and patience.

    Then , we could become addict to smart drugs if it’s taken regularly or in large quantities.

    Next, for can relax, we can do otherthings who are more naturals like drink a tisane, go in the spa, stay at home for have a “coconing day” and a relax moment…

    Finally , I am realy against smart drugs especially at our age and we are young we haven’t the stress of the work, taxes, children etc...

  16. Hello,
    I think that using smart drugs to expand our abilities at school could help some people who are very stressed (like for examen…).
    But I couldn’t do it.

    To begin , the smart drugs are bad because they damage organs (like the liver) and why put our lives in danger for marks ? Because with a lot of work, we can have very good marks but it takes some will and patience.

    Then , we could become addicted to smart drugs if it’s taken regularly or in large quantities.

    Next, to be able to relax, we can do other things that are more natural like drinking tea, going to spa, like staying at home for have a “coconing day” and a relax moment…

    Finally , I am really against smart drugs especially at our age and we are young we aren’t stressed by our work, taxes, children etc...


  17. Hello, I think that using smart drugs to improve my school performance would generate an addiction to its smart drugs which can be dangerous to health if the quantities are abusive.
    Then I think it's not fair to all students, we all have different abilities, reflecting our grades. Using this is synonymous with cheating for me.

  18. Hello,
    In my opinion taking smart drugs is not an option for multiple reasons:
    First of all, I believe that taking smart drugs returns to cheat because we are not working with our owns abilities.
    Then, we don't know how our body will react to these medicaments and if there are risks for our organism.
    Finally, taking those drugs could generate an addiction and so make us dependents to them.

    Louis Tourniaire TES4

  19. Hello,
    No, I would not take some drugs to be better in school. First of all, because it is no good for our health and for people around us (because when we take drugs we necessarily change behavior and we maight become more hangry. I think it is really dangerous to take that because we can become quikly addicted and become more and more competitive towards ourself. Futhermore, it is no the best solution to take grugs, for me the best solution is a good sleeping, eating balance with a lot of vitamines and to study regulary. Finally from my point of view taking drugs is easier.
    RIDOLFI Stelle TS4

  20. Sorry I made some mistakes:
    -it is not good
    -change our behaviour
    -we might become angrier
    -it is not the best
    -to have a good sleep
    -eat well-balance-meals
