
SOS Australia

I think everyone knows about Australia’s current tragic situation…It affects the environmental, economical and political aspects of the country.
You need to imagine an application that could help directly or not Australia. Try to be creative and if you don’t find anything, answer this question: Do you believe the media could have  an impact on Australia’s situation?


  1. Hello, I think that Australia’s current tragic situation is a very important subject to talk about.
    First of all, since last summer, there are huge fires in Australia causing the death of 24 people and 500 million animals, destroying 2000 homes and 5 million hectares. Theses fires can't be stopped because of the dryness and the high temperatures caused by the global warming. Since a few days, it’s a little bit better thanks to the rain. By the way, if we help Australia, it could definitely stop.
    These last months, I saw a lot of associations on the media which collected money in order to help Australia. Moreover, creating an application to help them would be a very good idea. It could offer different services. First, we could be informed of the fire evolution on the fly. We could make donations easily. Furthermore, it could propose things to do to stop the global warming. Because, if the temperatures keep rising, our entire planet will burn just like Australia.
    To conclude, I am convinced that media have a good impact on Australia’s situation because they allow us not only to be aware of what’s happening there, but also to help this country by making donations.

    1. Sorry, I made some mistakes:
      - For a few days
      - immediately

  2. Hi everybody!
    Everyday I see on my networks some pictures of koalas with injuries all over their bodies and it is heart breacking. So my
    application will have a link with those cute animals: all the rescuded animals like koalas or maybe kangaroos, would be cured
    in a care center thanks to donation. How can people donate? It’s really simple, we will post one picture of each animal. Then
    the person can decide to make a simple donation or to adopt the animal. The money from the donation will help the animal and
    other. The person who adopts the animal (bigger donation) will give it a name and we will send videos of the animal growing.
    We will also send pictures and a t-shirt of the charity association.
    To conclude with I hope that the situation will improve as soon as possible.
    Bye bye!

  3. Hello,
    The Australian bush fire are a complete disaster not only for Australia but also for our planet. Already, last year, our president Macron declared that our house literally burned when the Amazon rain forest, the lungs of the earth which produces 20% of the oxygen of our planet, were on fire. And now it’s been Australia for several months.
    The problem is that it has been promoted for months by conservative Australian media outlets, especially the influential newspapers and TV stations owned by Rupert Murdoch, that environmentalists would oppose measures to prevent fires to ravage homes and lives. Of course, that's completely false.
    However, thanks to the media, we can learn from reports such as environmentalists from the University of Sydney and WWF Australia estimate that a billion animals have died in bush fire in Australia. Everyone is concerned and could make a donation for example.
    So if media are neutral and not managed by people who deny climate change, yes, the media could help the entire world respond by realizing that there is an urgent need to change our way of life. And each of us can donate to several organizations working for recovery of victims, or help the devastated animal population by donating to wildlife rescue and treatment groups.
    Juliette Brinon TS2

  4. It has already been a few weeks that the environmental situation in Australia is a disaster. Many species have disappeared, a half million of animals are dead. On the Internet, a lot of pictures show habitants rescuing the koalas in the burning forest. The Flora and the Fauna are in danger. More than 80,000 hectares of forest have been devastated in the last month. Sydney recorded temperatures of 48.9 degrees Celsius. The ravaging fires in the country are out of control. It reigns on the other side of the planet like an air of the end of the world. The consequences will be terrible on the planet. That’s why, to help Australia, well-known people from different countries give a huge support to the environmental associations and organizations. Social medias are also a way for everyone to donate for the protection of our planet's threatened wildlife and habitats. If another solution would exist, it would be an application on which people’s steps would be calculated and converted into tips. It would directly be sent to Australia. Hopefully, everybody would use this app and participate for the environmental protection and the development of Australia. Let’s do it!

    Mathilde Hay 104

  5. Kamélia Barzali23 January 2020 at 18:56

    Fires in Australia caused a lot of damaged.
    More than 10 million hectares were decimated, Smoke travelled more than 11,000 kilometres, More than 2,000 houses burned down, At least 26 people died, nearly 500 million animals died and 1. 25 billion animals disappeared, it's really sad.
    On one side, I think , to help Australia, there could be an application with differents services.
    First of all, there would be a jackpot where we could send them money to help the firemen.
    Then, it could be all the profiles of people who have lost their homes, and people who can , choose a profile to host them temporarily.
    And finally, there would be a part with different aids, and links that would propose different associations to help the animals.
    On the other side, medias are really present in our lifes, so if medias take juste five minutes to warm about the situation and propose jackpots.

    1. Kamélia Barzali8 March 2020 at 21:36

      I made some mistakes :
      lives / in our lives / to warn people / different / there would be the profiles / to help them / people would choose / would be a section earth.

  6. Hello,
    Australia’s situation is very catastrophic, that’s why many people notably public figures have already supported this cause by donating money. I don't think my idea is revolutionary, but I think it would be nice to have an application that allows you to pay money directly to Australia. The application can contain subscriptions depending on the amount of money the user wants to donate, so the chosen amount will be paid directly to Australia.
    . It will allow every person in the world to contribute in his or her own way even if the amount is small. Moreover, it might be more secure than other methods and more people will want to participate.

  7. Hello everyone,

    Australia's current situation is very worrying for the whole world. If I were to make an application to help Australia, I would make one where people would be able to buy pieces of art representing the beautiful animals and places which are now burning in Australia, the money earned would then be invested into helping stop the fires and saving the animals who have been burnt severely by the fires.
    Furthermore I firmly believe that media can have a big impact on Australia's situation, and I believe that it is already doing so, when one sees articles about the fires with pictures of koala bears burning it reminds us that global warming is a reality and it can push people to donate money to help or just encourage them to talk about it with others.

    Flannagan Olivia TS4

  8. Good Evening.
    Australia's situation is awful, for the species and also for the population. I feel ashamed that i can not do anything about it, as a teenager, i think we do not have a lot of possibilities to solve this massive problem.

    However, we can still donate money for Australia, but still, do we actually see any results ? That is what is bothering me. Also, i know that if i want results they would not be right away, but i feel like 2020 start so badly, I am full of hope and optimism, because it is, like i said earlier, the only thing i can do as a teenager.

    I did not write much but i hope i was clear about my opinion,
    Thanks for reading !

    Luna Mascre

  9. I don't know any application which could be created to help directly or not Australia. Moreover, I think that launching a new application is not a good idea because it still risks causing addiction problems, and maintaining climate-related problems.
    To answer to your question, I think that there are both good and bad impacts.
    On the first hand, to my mind, the good impacts are: - thanks to the media, people try to help Australia by donating money,
    - it can make people realise that the environment is in danger and we have to do something about it and we all can change this situation at our level. Media can encourage people to change their way of life and show how it can make a difference,
    - media are useful as well because they keep people informed of what's going on, and so they can move or change their lifestyle (especially for Australians that are forced to leave their place to escape the fire).
    On the other hand, I can find some bad impacts like: - an Instagram account that was selling bracelets to help Australia with funds... Intended for this, the owners of the account were only taking the money for themselves.

    1. I made some mistakes:
      - to answer your question
      - on the one hand

  10. Kamélia Barzali20 February 2020 at 17:24

    On the one hand, I would like to create the ideal application for the tragic fire in Australia. This application would contain three tabs. First of all, in the first tab there will be a jackpot, where everyone will be able to give money to help firefighters, animals and people who have lost their homes. Then, in the second tab there will be the profiles of all the people who lost their houses and belongings because of the fire. And we can choose a family that we would like to help by paying them for things, or donate money so that they can find a home. And finally, in the third tab you will find all the associations that help Australia, and you will be able to be part of the one you want as a volunteer, and carry out "missions" to help. On the other hand, the media is really present in our lives so if they took a few minutes to talk about different solutions or jackpot to help, then the situation in Australia could improve a little bit faster

  11. Hello,
    First, I think this tragic situation doesn’t affect only Australia but the entire planet.
    Today, money does a lot of things, and it would be enormously useful to Australia, which could then improve their way of doing things. There are a lot of generous people who would be willing to donate, but they sometimes don’t know how to do it, so I think an application or a direct online donation would improve the situation.
    I also think that today social media are at the center of attention, so I think they could have a big impact on the situation in Australia because after seeing the information many would help the country.
    For example, thanks to the media, the famous Kylie Jenner gave 1milion dollars to the Australian wildfire donation.
    Finally, I think that we must be careful with our planet because nowadays, because of the global warming, there is a lot of dangerous situations.

    1. Sorry, I made some mistakes:
      -Today, money allows us to do many things
      - Be careful with

  12. Hello,
    Yes, i do believe that the media could have an impact on the situation in Australia, in fact they already did! The media coverage about the fires right when they started was nonexistent. For weeks Australia was burning without the rest of the world even knowing about it and that's because the medias didn't cover it. I don't know if it was because certain governments are trying to hide the effects of global warming or just because they thought it wasn't a story worth pursuing. The lack of media coverage meant that while the fires got worse, the people still didn't know about it and if at the beginning the fires could have been manageable, by the time we found out about them they were out of control !
    So the media is responsible for our knowledge on situations in the rest of the world. If we can't trust them to give us the information when we need to get it than how are we supposed to help in areas where our help is needed but we don't know it yet ? For all we know, there could be another catastrophe going on in another part of the world hat we know nothing about.
    Hannah SWAN [TS5]

  13. I think yes and no.
    Yes, because on the one hand the media made the tragic situation visible and this could make people realize that it is very serious.
    And no, because it could create real conflicts on TV like in real life so it would make things worse.

    Ymene Chennouf 206
