
Does a good novel make a good movie?

Reading a novel and watching its adaptation


  1. Many great books are adaptated into films. But is that really a great idea?
    People often read a book and then watch the film adaptation. Therefore, we can prefer the film adaption or be disappointed by it.

    In such cases, the director could improve some touching moments from the novel to the film adaptation by images, songs, characters. Indeed, he could add songs to romantic or sad scenes, in that case, the spectator would be more touched by them. Then, in action novels, the fights, races... can be improved by special effects, close-up on the characters...
    However, sometimes, the director changes the plot and the spectator could be floored. When people read a book and then watch the film, they often hope to have the same story. Therefore, when it isn't, they can ba disappointed by the film adaptation. Moreover, people can prefer the book because there are more descriptions which amplify the emotions.
    Nevertheless, everything depends on the taste of each one. Some can prefer the book and the other the film adaptation upon the same story.

    1. You said "he could add songs to romantic or sad scènes", but you know, I think you can add music to other scènes too! And about "there are more descriptions which amplify the emotions", I must say that some can also be boring sometimes! But except for that, I totally agree with what you say! Thanks!

  2. Usually what happens is that when a good book is published, a lot of people buy it. Later, the film comes out and people who read the book watch the film.
    But which one is better? And does a good novel always make a good movie?

    First of all, opinions are shared on this question. Some people think that the book is always better than the film. There are several reasons for this: for example because it came out first so the ideas are better in the book. Other people think the film is better because we can really see some scenes that we can't really imagine by reading the book, moreover, some sentences need to be really spoken so the film is the best way to do it.

    As for me, I think it depends on the story. What I mean is that some books are very poorly adapted to the cinema and they are very different from the book, therefore the book is better than the film. However, if the film is good, that the actors are well chosen and that the story looks like the original book, then the film can be really good.

    In conclusion, an adaptation of a book in the cinema can be really interesting.. or really boring, it depends on the film's quality. Anyway, I think it is better to read the book and to watch the film, to be able to weigh the pros and cons and then decide which one is better.

    Chloe Bari-Levy, 2nde 1

    1. Okay, but are you sure that the storyline needs to fully stick to the book's to make a good movie?

  3. First of all it depends but did you like watching a film or reading a book ?

    To my mind and because I'm a reader if I already read a book I will not go to see the film because when I read in my mind I imagine the characters , their clothes , their attitude etc... and if I see the movie I will be maybe disappointed because it will be not what I imagined.
    But if one day I see an adaptation I will not read the book because we have imposed on my imagination to have a precise idea.Reading a book is to realize our own film, but watching a movie ...

    To sum up I prefer books because it's a good way to travel , to escape sometimes even when you don't feel good you can have the impression of being in another world only by reason of the words in your head.

    1. Yeah, but maybe you're missing some very good things by not seeing the films when you read the books/not reading the books when you saw the films?

  4. Personally, I have always enjoyed novels more than their film adaptations. Books can create more emotional connections between the reader and the characters, and movie adaptations can almost never include everything that takes place in the book. The are many good films based on books but never as good as the actual books themselves.

  5. Reading a novel develop our capacities for imagining and create also emotional connections between the reader and the story's protagonists.
    So does a good novel make a good movie?

    First of all, reading a novel or a book in general is rather a strange feeling for the reader. Indeed, the reader tries to imagine scenes described by the author. Then, the reader lets his own imagination go.

    Besides, if we watch the movie after reading the book most of the time, many things have changed so It can be annoying but also embarrassing for the reader.
    Nevertheless, the movie adaptation can be helpful to get a better comprehension of the novel.

    As for me, as long as the movie is similar to the novel, it doesn't matter. Otherwise, I am definitely disappointed.

    Therefore, even if the novel is well-written, it might be different for the movie. So one should not forget that in which case we would be failed.

  6. This is a very good question because it depends of the people ! For me, there are some novels that make us imagine how the protagonists are, how is the places, and it make us runaway for the reality to create our own one. Moreover, I think that some movies are worst than the books, but sometimes it can be better ! That's why I think that we should read the book before watching the movie, because than we make our imagination works and after we can see how the cineast sees the book, and it can be very interesting.

  7. Many books are adapted for the cinema. : words become pictures. But does a good novel make a good movie ?

    Firstly, a lot of movies are based on books. Does a good story is a sufficient condition to make a good film ? No, because the quality of a movie depends on the scriptwriter, on the director, on the sound and vision director, on the actors. The story is important but it is not the only one interest. Of the same kind, a good novel depends on the writing. Good words don't become systematically good pictures. That's why a good novel can become a bad movie.
    Secondly, the interest to adapt a movie varies according to the genre of the story. For example, fantastic novels make very good movies, like Harry Potter and Twilight. I read the books and I saw the films : both were great ! On the contrary, I think intimist and sentimental novels are more interesting than films. Sometimes, there are more feeling and truth in words than in pictures.When you read, you can imagine the characters, the places ... You create a special link with the autor.
    Thirdly, even if a movie based on a book is brilliant, you can be really desappointed : the film is not like you imagine. In another way, if you see the film before you read the book, the film can help you to get pictures and understand the story. You don't have to imagine the story because your mind is based on the film : it's easier ! Moreover, watching a movie based on a novel can incite you to read the book, even if you don't like reading.

    To sum up, good novels can make good or … bad movies ! I can love the novel and hate the film or hate the novel and love the film. In reality, reading a book and watching a film are differents experiences : I love them both.

  8. plupart du temps un bon livre a un mauvais film parce que le film est moins détaillée que le livre. Mais parfois le film peut être bon parce que les acteurs et actrices sont bons.

    1. Hi Alyssa !
      To correct you :
      "La plupart"
      "livre devient un"
      "détaillé" (without e)
      I wish it will be helpful

  9. Most of the time, movies created off of good novels are not very accurate and ruin the novel. I like to read the novel more than I like to watcht the movie created from it. The way a person can use their imagination to create the setting and the characters of the novel is more creative than going see a movie with someone else's point of view.

    1. Hi Laura! I'm Mary, one of the American students. Your English is very good and I think you have great ideas. Just a few corrections:
      • used "based" instead of "created" in the first sentence
      • the word is spelled watch, not watcht

      Other than that - great job!

  10. Many film adaptations I have seen have been very well done. I always like to read the book first before I see the movie. Some of my favorite book series have been turned into movies like Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, and Divergent. Usually I prefer the novel because it is more detailed, and in movies they have to cut parts out sometimes. I love when great books are made into movies because it is like my imagination on a movie screen.

  11. I agree with Lucie that it depends on the person! Personally, I like reading, but i generally prefer to watch movies. I think books make good movies sometimes. For example, I think the Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter movies are just as amazing as the books, if not better. I love seeing the characters and stories come to life on screen. However, a lot of times movies are not always the best representations of a novel. For example, many important details are often changed when turning a book into a movie. Also, when reading a book, I picture the characters and scenes a certain way in my head, and sometimes I am disappointed when I see the movie version. I think it depends on the cast and director of the movie to make a good movie adaptation of a book.

  12. Does a good novel make a good movie? To me it makes a good movie but I always think the novel is way better. Also they always leave stuff out of the novel and change things in the movie . Even in the great movie the hunger games they changed slot, if you read the book it's similar but is missing soe, things. So yes a good novel makes a good movie with exception

  13. In my opinion, the novels that precede the films are better being that they contain much more detail. Movies based on books tend to be rushed and sloppy because directors neglect important things that have occurred in the books! It is sad though because I usually don't have time to read the books and have to resort to seeing the movie instead :)

  14. Many books are adapted for the cinema. : words become pictures. But does a good novel make a good movie ?

    Firstly, a lot of movies are based on books. Does a good story is a sufficient condition to make a good film ? No, because the quality of a movie depends on the scriptwriter, on the director, on the sound and vision director, on the actors. The story is important but it is not the only one interest. Of the same kind, a good novel depends on the writing. Good words don't become systematically good pictures. That's why a good novel can become a bad movie.
    Secondly, the interest to adapt a movie varies according to the genre of the story. For example, fantastic novels make very good movies, like Harry Potter and Twilight. I read the books and I saw the films : both were great ! On the contrary, I think intimist and sentimental novels are more interesting than films. Sometimes, there are more feeling and truth in words than in pictures.When you read, you can imagine the characters, the places ... You create a special link with the autor.
    Thirdly, even if a movie based on a book is brilliant, you can be really desappointed : the film is not like you imagine. In another way, if you see the film before you read the book, the film can help you to get pictures and understand the story. You don't have to imagine the story because your mind is based on the film : it's easier ! Moreover, watching a movie based on a novel can incite you to read the book, even if you don't like reading.

    To sum up, good novels can make good or … bad movies ! I can love the novel and hate the film or hate the novel and love the film. In reality, reading a book and watching a film are differents experiences : I love them both.

    1. Be careful! "Harry Potter" and "Twighlight" (be it ashamed for all eternity) are not fantastic novels, these are fantasy novels!

    2. You're right, I've made a mistake ! Thank you for telling me !

  15. The movie adaptation has become very common.
    Many well-known directors use it constantly.
    But does it mean a good novel make a good movie ?
    It's a great question.
    I personally would say that a good novel isn't necessarily a good movie all dépends on the director, the interpretation of its own reading.
    Adaptation can be wonderful or completely boring. Novel is text. After reading the story we can imagine, create ... While adaptation is the image of the director and what he wants to show us.
    A novel often contains more than 200 pages and a movie lasts on average 2 hours. So it can't tell all the feelings, thoughts of the characters. Everything can't be said.
    For example more descriptions are completely erased in favor of the action.
    Reading a novel, one creates his own vision of places, people. We can feel their thoughts and reflections.
    The adaptation is the imagination of a moviemaker and he gives us his thoughts. It gives us a glimpse of the work.
    For me the adaptation may just comme in addition to reading a novel.
    It can't be better then a good novel. It represents a new approach of the novel.
    But the movie is a medium of entertainment which has great advantages : special effects.

  16. A lot of producers decide to make films from books, but does a good book make a good film?

    First of all, it depends on the actors who play in it, it depends on the producer, and on the adaptation. A film cannot exactly reproduce the book, otherwise it would be boring, but the book inspires the film, and, in my opinion, a good book makes a good film only if the film is not exactly the same as the book, for instance, "the great Gatsby" was first a book and then, it was adapted by Baz Luhrmann for the cinema, the film was a success. However it doesn't always happen because the book and the film are not written in the same period, so it can be sometimes hard to adapt the story of an old book into the world of nowadays. Moreover, when a producer creates a film he invents the story and the characters, indeed, he can be free to choose the end of the story with his imagination. However, it's not like that with an adaptation.

    In a nutshell, a good book makes a good film only if the producer doesn't exactly reproduce the film and if the actors are good. However, I really advice you to read the book before watching the film because with the book you can use your imagination and that is the aim of a book !

  17. A lot of producers decide to make films from books, but does a good book make a good film?

    First of all, it depends on the actors who play in it, it depends on the producer, and on the adaptation. A film cannot exactly reproduce the book, otherwise it would be boring, but the book inspires the film, and, in my opinion, a good book makes a good film only if the film is not exactly the same as the book, for instance, "the great Gatsby" was first a book and then, it was adapted by Baz Luhrmann for the cinema, the film was a success. However it doesn't always happen because the book and the film are not written in the same period, so it can be sometimes hard to adapt the story of an old book into the world of nowadays. Moreover, when a producer creates a film he invents the story and the characters, indeed, he can be free to choose the end of the story with his imagination. However, it's not like that with an adaptation.

    In a nutshell, a good book makes a good film only if the producer doesn't exactly reproduce the film and if the actors are good. However, I really advice you to read the book before watching the film because with the book you can use your imagination and that is the aim of a book !

  18. There are a lot of components in making a good book into a good movie. Many people enjoy the teenage heart-throb stories by Nicholas Sparks that turn into sentimental and popular films! It definitely depends on the type of book, how popular it is, and what kind of project the director and producer turn it into. Usually, popular books that turn into movies such as the Harry Potter series and the Hunger Games are amplified to the point of making the public buy tickets early to see them. Opinion comes into play on whether the movie is good or not. One thing I have noticed is that directors and producers often omit specific details that are key in books. The sad thing about Hollywood is that they focus on what the public wants to see, rather than the actual content of the book. Sometimes it works in their favor; other times, it does not do the book justice at all. Also, even if a book is popular does not mean that if the movie is just as popular, it is good.

  19. To me, a good novel does not usually equal a good movie. This opinion is basically the same for almost all the fans of a book who see a movie adaptation of the book. A good novel is not always a good movie for me because many times the director will change or leave something out from the plot that the fans of the book will find important. For example, this past weekend I saw the movie adaptation for one of my favorite books, "Divergent." Towards the end of the movie, the director changed many very important plot events that made me angry and overall made the movie good rather than great.

    Another point is that many famous books these days get a lot of hype from the media for the upcoming movie, so more people who have not read the book go and see the movie. I have found that more people who haven't read the book find the movie to be better than to someone who has read the book simply because they do not know the plot of the book.

    Even with many people finding movie adaptations of their favorite books to not be good, there are a few movies that get a lot of "respect" from the fans of the book. For example, "The Hunger Games" and "Harry Potter." To me, these movies are loved so much by the book fans is because the directors STICK TO THE PLOT AND DO NOT LEAVE ANYTHING IMPORANT OUT! Thanks for reading!

  20. Does a good novel make a good movie?

    Well, when a book has a lot of success then Hollywood generally turn it into a movie. But is it a good idea?

    The point is that when you read a book, you imagine all the elements: everyone has a different representation of the place, the characters... But when this novel becomes a movie, then you have to stick to the representation of the different elements that is given to you. That is why some "books lovers" don't like the film adaptation because it is too far from what they imagined.
    Now, a film adaptation is also a good thing, because people who didn't read the novel may read this novel because they liked the movie.

    But from an objective point of view I think that a good novel can become a good movie as well as it can fail. For example, Hunger Games from Suzanne Collins was a pretty good trilogy but the movie was a hundred time better: the film makers had quite a lot of money (78,000,000$) and they worked really hard with S. Collins to make a good movie.

    According to me, the hardest thing to do when you turn a book into a movie would be to condense the novel: Hunger Games 1 is about 500 pages so there are a lot of elements but the movie can't really be longer as 2 hours 40 so the director has to choose which elements he wants to show and that's the thing that would decide if the movie's gonna be as good as the novel or if it will be a bad adaptation.

    To conclude, I’ll say that if you want to make a good movie from a good book, you have to work hard with the author, with the actors and to make a good interpretation of the novel.

  21. It depends. It is true that most of the films adapted from novels aren't as good as the books (Harry Potter (which are still good movies, thought), 1984, Alice in Wonderland…), but a few are, because the movie can make the spectator feel things so impressive that the book wasn't enough to express them (The Lord of the Rings is the best example of that) or because the book is not well known, but the movie is correct, or even very good (the Godfather, Ben Hur…). However, to my mind, the most interesting adaptations you can study are the ones that do not respect the novel's “spirit”. Two examples for that: I, robot and the Hobbit. I already replied to a post in the topic “new technologies” by explaining why making I, Robot had been equal to splitting on Asimov's grave, and about the Hobbit, the novel is a tale for children and the movie is some “marketing” thing trying to be epic and gigantic. But… well, if you forget this, these are good movies! (well, especially The Hobbit)
    And you, what's your opinion about those films? I'm waiting for your replies!

  22. Personally, I want to pursue writing as a career so I am very picky about novels. I am also picky about novel adaptations in movie form. I do not think that a great novel means that the movie will be amazing, but I do think that it is possible. The problem with turning a loved novel into a film is that no matter what you do with it, something will get left out, a character might not look or act correctly, some scenes will be written slightly differently, etc. As somebody who loves both movies and novels I am hesitant when a novel I love is going to be turned into a movie. One reason for this is that, much of the time, the author of the novel is not the one who writes the screen play or the script for the movie, nor is the creator of the novel on set the whole time.
    There are movie adaptations of books that I love, but there are also adaptations that make me cringe because of the amount of information that is left out or the way it was made. This being said I am very excited to see "The Fault in our Stars" by John Green because he was present for the whole filming process and played a huge roll in making the movie as close to the book as possible.
    I think that whether or not a movie adaptation is successful depends on the people making the movie and the expectations associated with the book. If everybody is extremely excited for the movie of their favorite book to come out then it is really difficult for any movie, no matter how well done, to stand up to expectations.
    Also Hello everybody!

  23. La plupart des films fabriques a partir de romans ne sont pas parce que le film est un resume. Beaucoup de détails sont laisses de cote et ca fait mal la ligne de l'histoire.

    1. It would be better if you say "conçus" instead of "fabriqués" and "suit" instead of "fait".
      But I think you're right to say that !

  24. The book is ALWAYS better than the movie, because whenyou read a book you can use your own imagination to make a "movie" in your mind. But when you go to see the books movie you cant make one up on your own, so it does not make the story personal.

    1. Don't you think you're maybe too extreme?

  25. In my opinion, I think when you read a good book and connect to it, you kind of form an idea of scenery and characters in your head and have an idea of what you think things look like. I think people can be disappointed when they see a movie adaption because it's the directors vision from what they took out of the book. However, I think film adaptions can make you see a book In a different way than you may have interpreted it before.

  26. While I think a book can be good, the movie adaptations are not always accurate. A book can be read at anytime and can be a countless number of pages, but a movie has to be limited to about 3 hours, so the film makers often have to leave out a lot of details. Some books also might have trouble being adapted to thebig screen. In the Hunger Games, for instance, the main character Katniss does most her talking in her head, which is hard to display in a movie.

    However, some adaptations of novels can be good movies. Even though the Hunger Games had some difficulties, it wasn't a bad movie. Also, even though I haven't seen it yet, the movie Divergent is based on what I thought was a good book. Even though there are some difficulties in making books into movies, I think the results can be very good.

  27. I do not like to read books, so I go by the phrase "If it is good enough they will make it into a movie". Most people say the book is always better than the movie. There are many movies that I think are better than the book. For example, Harry Potter. I think that there are some novels that should be made into movies because, I think that they are well-written. Most movies do not follow the novel completely, which is sometimes a good thing and sometimes a bad thing. I think that they should make more movies based on the novel so more people will go and see the movie.

    1. YOU DO NOT LIKE TO READ BOOKS ?!?! I'm sure it's because you never read the good ones. I don't know if you're a French pupil or an American one, but in both case you should try reading books from Asimov (my n°3 favourite author), or from Philip Pullman or Christopher Paolini, and if you're French you should definetely try novels from Pierre Boterro and Anne Robillard (they're my n°1 and 2).

      To anyone who reds that, please suggest books or authors to make him enjoying reading !

  28. As a fan of books, I always choose the book rather than its adaptation. But, does a good novel make a good movie?

    To begin with, it depends on how the film maker wants the movie to be received by the audience. Indeed, if as an example the book's writter supervise the producer to make the film, the movie could be more similar to the novel. When you read a book you inevitably imagine how the characters could be physically and also in their attitude. When a movie is realized, it can disappoint some readers due to the fact that the characters can't be exacty as the reader thoughts.
    But, even if the book is almost always better than its adaptation, the movie could also be as good as the novel and even better.

    To sum up, a good novel doesn't inevitably make a good movie if the film maker doesn't pay attention to be as similar as possible with the book. Moreover, many movies are best-known than their novels even if they don't deserve their fame.

  29. To start with, a good novel and a good movie are very rare ! Generally, when a novel is very famous, someone do an adaptation of it. So, does a good novel make a good adaptation ?

    First of all, the novel is hardly ever better than the adaptation. Even if it's an excellent adaptation, like 'Gatsby' of Baz Lurhmann, you can't feel the same feelings in a movie than in a book !
    However, I respect the producers who want to show an other way of the book. I think, someone, who doesn't like reading, most enjoy the adaptation than a fan of books like me.
    Nevertheless, I don't think that a good novel always make a good movie. For example, I was very dissapointed of Twilight's adaptation because I love the books and in the movies, it's not the same thing at all. To my opinion, it is disrespectful to do that in relation to the author !
    To conclude, a good novel doesn't always make a good adaptation. It depends on many reasons like the producers or the authors !

  30. I love to read and I have rarely found that movies based off of novels are as good as the novel itself. I usually enjoy the books more than the movies. Not all of the movies are bad though. Some of them are decent but just lack the thrill or enjoyment of the book for me. On the other hand, there are some that are downright bad in their attempt to replicate the book. All in all, I rather read the book than watch the movie.

  31. Usually I enjoy movies that were novels. But before I watch the movie I HAVE to read the book first. I think the novel is always better than the movie too because in the novel we get to know what the character is thinking and know for a fact how they feel emotionally, in a movie it's what you see is what you get which can be frustrating.

  32. I think reading the book then watching the movie is your best bet. When you read the book first you all gather a lot of information about the characters, the setting, and you ask your self what everything looks like? So when you finish reading the book, if there is a movie adaptation then watch it. Maybe some of your questions are answer and you're surprised because you may have visualized something completely different

  33. Films that based on books have always existed especially nowadays it seems is "a new trend" again. But does a good novel make a good movie?

    As for Science fiction stories I think it maybe easier to turn into a good film with help of new technologies, films can be made in 3 dimensional versions and technical scenes that we can't imagine by ourselves.
    However a film is based on a book may not make a good movie because a book version is more complete such as the description of the characters and the atmosphere, and some details that you can't make it in a film. Moreover, a movie usually lasts 2 or 3 hours so film makers have to leave a lot of details out.

    I personally prefer watching a film adapted from a good novel rather than reading it. I'm not too keen on reading! (Yes I know I'm a lazy girl my mum told me) so the film adaptation is perfect for me.

  34. Films that based on books have always existed especially nowadays it seems is "a new trend" again. But does a good novel make a good movie?

    As for Science fiction stories I think it maybe easier to turn into a good film with help of new technologies, films can be made in 3 dimensional versions and technical scenes that we can't imagine by ourselves.
    However a film is based on a book may not make a good movie because a book version is more complete such as the description of the characters and the atmosphere, and some details that you can't make it in a film. Moreover, a movie usually lasts 2 or 3 hours so film makers have to leave a lot of details out.

    I personally prefer watching a film adapted from a good novel rather than reading it. I'm not too keen on reading! (Yes I know I'm a lazy girl my mum told me) so the film adaptation is perfect for me.

  35. I prefer to read the story before I watch the movie, but I have watched many movies that are very interesting re-tellings of books. I think it's important to understand how the author originally wrote the plot of a book before you go to see the movie, because otherwise, you may get a different idea of the story that what was intended. But, that doesn't mean that movies aren't as interesting as the books. I enjoy science fiction movies and action movies, because the action "comes to life" graphically and gives you a really entertaining outlook of a story! I definitely think that you should read the book and see the movie, but read the book first so as to have a good understanding of the plot before you go!

  36. Many Novels make great movies such as The Great Gatsby, it was a novel and was made into a movie last year and I loved the movie. They are both very good. Also the fault in our stars is a book and the movie is coming out in a week and it looks like a very good movie. Harry Potter, The Hunger Games and Twilight were all books first and they were good movies.

  37. Je pense que la plupart des bons livres font de bons films. Quelques bons livres sont transformés en un film qui n'est pas aussi bonne. Personnellement, je pense que le livre original est meilleur que le film, mais quelques livres transformer en bons films

  38. J'aime habituellement le livre plus que le film. Je l'aime plus parce que j'aime lire. Parfois, le film est différent du livre, et je n'aime pas ces différences.

    Cependant, j'aime certaines choses du film. Par exemple, j'aime que vous pouvez voir l'image sur l'écran plutôt que dans votre tête.

  39. I think it varies, depending on the book and movie. Some books are outstanding, but translate into films that are just average, for example, The Great Gatsby. The reason for this may be that The Great Gatsby, as a novel, is invested more in symbolism and characterization than plot. Films, on the other hand, usually need to be centered around a strong plot. More often than not, books are better than their film adaptions, but there are exceptions. The movie The Graduate, for example, is very famous but most do not know that it was originally a book. The book is good, but the story comes across so much better on screen that the novel pales in comparison. A good example of an accurate translation from an excellent book (one that is concentrated heavily on plot) to an equally excellent movie is Gone With the Wind, which manages to effectively capture the book's mood while staying entertaining.

  40. Parfois, les directeurs qui font des livres en films effacent les parties importantes parties du livre.Le film ce n'est pas le même chose comme le livre. Certaines personnes regardent le film que de lire parce que c'est ne pas interessant. Un bon livre ne pas faire un bon film parce que c'est ne pas vrai de ce que vous lisez.

  41. I do not think good novels always make good movies. Many good novels have very subtle messages and inferences that the movies do not always include, which can take away some important details. On the other hand, some movie interpretations are accurate, have good acting, and the story might have a lot of entertaining action or mystery. The Hunger Games, for example, was a very well done movie with a lot of action and good acting.

  42. I don't think that a good novel always makes a good movie because the movie depends on the director and the writer of that script. Sometimes really bad novels can be turned into really good books and vise versa. The quality depends on the interpretation of the director and screen writer.
