

Do you believe that humanitarian ideas and actions can help people to live better? Why and How?


  1. Today, it exists more hundreds of humanitarian organizations all around the world. Some organizations act for wealth, other ones act for human security and for other things very important for the human condition.
    There are different means to help someone with humanitarian actions:
    - Associations
    - No Government Organization (They don’t depend on government, that’s why they can intervene in different countries without troubles on account of politics ideas, for example)
    - Countries
    - Worldwide group like UNO
    - Companies
    All this way let everybody to participate to the community life as volunteer and persons will be able to help persons who haven’t means to live properly and many more, to survive. They can build orphanage, hospitals or schools to help populations to ameliorate life conditions. They can obviously launch campaign and require donations.
    However, the humanitarian actions are more and more difficult because of the politic and economic situations of many worlds’ areas like Middle East or Africa. Volunteers risk sometimes being hurt or perhaps, they should be killed. Many populations don’t trust in persons who come from another country and believe they are there, just to act in the interest of their own countries. Moreover, some terrorist groups like Al Qaeda prevent volunteers and do-gooder from doing their works.
    In my mind, humanitarian actions and ideas can help people to live better because of the engagement of some volunteers. Think to building, campaigns and donations, population’s life conditions can be ameliorate. Still, it is more difficult to intervene in several areas. Indeed, some nations and governments refuse organizations get involved in their territory to help the population. Be a volunteers or a do-gooder is a fabulous job although there are risks.

  2. In the world lots of people are very poor and live in miserable conditions so we can ask : Do the humanitarian ideas and action can help poeple to live better ?

    In Europe many family are rich and have not need of as much money so they can make donations to charities.This associations can help some families in Africa or creat schools for the girls in Pakistan. If the rich countries help more the underdeveloped countries their populations could live better for exanple in Africa children are abandoned by their parents because they can't feed them ! Therefore this poor little boys and girls are very ill and sometmes they die it's horible we have to react ! France can send doctors for help them if the fench population give some money to the charities.

    To conclude, in my opinion I believe that humanitarian ideas and action can help poeple to live better and can change the world.

  3. "There are hundreds of......others are in favour of actions.......and for other important things... Humanitarian actions provide help to many people in need.....non governmental......political ideas....therefore everyone can participate in....they can also launch.....because of politics and....many areas/countries in the world....maybe hurt or killed (being hurt or killed)....... don't trust people .....Al Qaïda...... do-gooders.......doing their work....... live better because of some volunteers' devotion... Building, campaigning and donating can improve people's lives ........organizations' involvement.....Being". "So we can wonder if humanitarian ideas ......many families and do not need all their money so they can....... these associations..... build schools for girls in....If rich countries help underdeveloped countries more...... those poor little boys and girls ....to help ...... French.... to charities....”.

  4. Yes i think that humanitarian ideas and actions can help people in needs . We all need help in everything but we have problem like, for example social and people in Africa, they need food, they wonder if today they gonna eat and have all the water they need, humanitarian mean that you're not selfish that you're kind . And if people don't care about that they should think "If i was in the same situation, don't you like that people help you, don't you think that we are all humans and we all have to protect each other . So if you wondering why people use the free time that they have to help people . Just think that we all needs help .

    If i made a lot of mistakes, i'm sorry teacher .

  5. All over the world there are humanitarian associations.

    "Sidaction" helps the victims of the AIDS virus.
    "Restless Heart" created by Coluche brings some food and comfort to people without resources during the three months of winter.
    "Doctors without borders" assists the populations which are the most vulnerable in the world.
    Children can go to school, people in need can be nursed, a lot of people benefit of this help.
    That's why, I believe that humanitarian ideas and actions can help people to live better.

  6. "To be in need......problems ...social problems... they wonder every day ... If I were in the same....wouldn't you like someone to help you?....if you are wondering...their free time to help people....

    "helps people who have AIDS....."les Restos du coeur"/charity set up to provide food ..... during the three winter months......doctors help/take care of/... to benefit from"
