

If you had a superpower what would it be?


  1. I would like to have three superpowers.
    First, I would like to fly, I always have to dream to fly. For me, it's the freedom, go where you want (or almost) when you want. It's magic.
    Then, I would like teleport me, in two seconds go on the other side of the world. Or when you forget something at home, you go back and you get back what you forgot, it's very practice.
    And the last, I would like to read in the toughts, know what the people think about, if some people say the tuth or not...
    But the superpowers don't exist. It's only dreams.

  2. "I have always dreamt of flying..... that's freedom...to go to the other side....... you could go back and fetch it...... practical and finally I would like to read people's thoughts, to know what they think, to know if some people are telling the truth."

  3. Je voudrais être téléport et être invisible car espionner à mes sœurs... elle garde ses secrets.

  4. Sarah, tu as fais quelques erreurs! Laisses moi te corriger :)
    "Je voudrais être téléportée et invisible pour espionner mes soeurs et garder ses secrets". Je suis pas totalement sûre que ce soit ce que tu voulais me dire mais ne t'inquiète pas, si tu as besoin d'aide n'hésites pas!

  5. Flying is something that a lot of people already dreamed.
    First when you fly you surely feel very light.
    Then you can go where you want and when you want and so discover loads of things, travel all over the world, you should feel completely free.
    For me flying is a different way to enjoy the life.
    That's why, If I had a superpower, it would be the power to fly.

  6. My super powers would be the ability to read minds , because now there are so many people who say white and think black , just to be different, or the capacity to live my dreams , because the most of the time you dream of wonderful things and when you wake up you only want one thing : " If only this dream was true ", and when you go out you see that everything is messed up.. So that is why if I could have superpowers, i'd choose between these two.

  7. Ih I had a superpower it would be the power to control electricity because I find it very cool !

  8. Hello
    If i had a power, I think I'll be invisible.
    Because I can listen to what some people tell.

  9. Hello, how are you ?
    If I had a superpower, it would be teleportation! It is much more useful than other super powers. Our life as a student is so busy and exhausting, because we are always in between going to school, to sports, and more. With the power of teleportation, we can save a lot of time and get more rest! And it would be better for the environment!
