
Never give up

Do you think that you should keep on trying and never stop working for your goals?


  1. I think that to succeed it is necessary to work regularly, because the more you work the less efforts you have to make!

  2. I think we must not stop working to reach our goal but I also think that if we like what we are doing this is not an ordeal, and we can be motivated to work. When we want, we can !!

  3. I think if we want our goals become reality , we should hard work for this .
    And we must always try do our best for our goals =D

  4. We should give it our all to reach our goal and make it successfull. Even if we meet hardship, we have to keep going on and do our best if that's what we really want!

  5. I think that if a person never work, he couldn't reach his goal but if a person works usually, he could have a good future and reach his goal so for instance a person who is not very intelligent but tries to work could have a good future and succeed.

  6. I think that the most important is to make what you like. In this way, working doesn't mean effort. Of course, we need to work hard to pursuit our goals. There is no perfection without efforts and pain.

  7. I'm totaly agree with Manon ! I think person who get a enjoy job don't makes efforts (because they like it). But person who get a sadly job (example : ingénior) must work in pain and diffuculty !

  8. To do what you want..../do what you like...
    So that working doesn't mean ......
    I totally agree with....I think that a peron who gets a job he enjoys doesn't make....
    gets a job he doesn't like.... (engineer)
    A person who never works...
    if a person works all the time....

  9. I think that to arrive has our objectives, it is always necessary to work of best that we can.

  10. At times it gets extremely difficult, but if you are a believer in the God that exists, then you may just pray to Him ask Him for directions. I'm sure He will provide the means of helping to keep on keeping on

  11. If we are determined, everything is possible so we have to continue what we began to be satisfied with the result !

  12. I think it's important to have fun while trying to achieve a goal. If you don't have fun, feel free to drop it and choose another goal, and maybe pick the first one again ! You're allowed to have several goals at the same time as well.
    I agree that there are times when you have no choice and must achieve something. Then it's good if you keep working on it and never drop it, but then you should be careful that you don't end up hating it.
    we shouldn’t forget that there aren't just only one way to achieve one's goal. For example, if I want to read a complicated book, I'll see two ways to success :
    to try to read it until I understand with the help of a dictionary or to understand that it's too complicated for me now and read others books and then try to read the complicated book again.

  13. It is important to never give up because it allows us to:

    - Test our goal and our will to succeed
    -> If we had an idea of ​​business for example, it would not be wise to give up just because the results are not up to par. We must allow time to ripen our business, invest ourselves fully, whether there are ups and downs!
    It's the same for a more personal goal like losing weight or stopping to We need to test our will to know if we want to continue in this path and not hesitate to see the problem (s) from another angle.
    - Not to disappoint
    -> To disappoint, to lose the trust that we give ourselves is always difficult and it is not easy to erase a failure, especially if we feel that we have not done everything we could, something that happens Often when you have dropped your arms.
    Also if the objective also concerned other people (customers, readers, collaborators), to "abandon" them by stopping can harm our reputation.
    The danger would be to disappoint your ambitions and at the same time to abandon our customers or readers who will want it.

    -To perfect yourself in the affected areas
    -> If we have an objective to attain, we necessarily need some skills, or some manners or being. Even if we often fail, even if we feel we are not moving forward, making mistakes teaches us a lot. So even if it is difficult, it is a good reason not to be discouraged, simply to progress and move forward.

    Eva LORUSSO 2nd3
