
Matin Luther King

To what extent would you say  that he is a prophet? Give examples


  1. Martin Luther King was a good men.
    He knew values of poeple!!!!
    Black are equal at white.

  2. It is a man who advanced the world! We all are equal!

  3. Martin Luther King was a good man, he knew people's values. Blacks are equal to Whites.
    He was the man who did alot to improve black people's conditions....We are all equal.

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  5. Martin luther King was a very good speaker, he persuaded people that non-violence was the best way for fight inequalities.
    He travelled all over the country in USA to spread his ideas as a prophet.
    He gathered a lot of people blacks or whites, to claim their rights.
    with conviction, he had led his fight untill his last breath.

  6. Matin Luther King was a good man because He did not give up against injustice , he wanted Blacks are equal to Whites .
    He was in prison , he made many revolts ( as of "sit-in" ) for this cause using the principles of nonviolence of Gandhi .
    For his fight He was awarded the Nobel Peace in 1964 .

  7. Martin Luther King is a prophet because he was a good man, he fought for blacks and whites could have the same rights.
    He led his battle with non-violence and people agreed with him.
    King was a very good speaker, and one of his famous speeches was " I have a dream..."
    Gradually, he came to successfully establish a law for black people could go to the same school as whites.
    and several laws were established thereafter.

    Now blacks and whites are equal.

  8. Martin Luther King was a prophet because he was the man who change the USA.
    He loved the other and wanted that black people and white people have the same rights.
    Of course his battle was rude and difficil, but his actions like boycott for the bus in Montgomery and his steps in the street, always whitout violence, change the big country.
    So we can say that he was a prophet,and we still can think of his famous "I have a dream", and have a good thought to this fabulous man who was Martin Luther King.

  9. Martin Luther King had a dream. He wanted that everyone was equal. It's a hero because he convinced many poeple that everybody are equal. Many poeple want to be like him. That the reason why we can say that Martin Luther King is a profet

  10. To fight and not for ....
    Blacks and Whites to have equal rights, they can help one another.....
    Black people don't have to give up their place......
    What do you mean "he established a law"?
    changed/ difficult/without...
    He wanted everyone to be equal.... He is.....
    everybody is .... That is the reason why....

  11. Martin Luther King was to many people in the United States a true prophet. He made a speach in August 1963 when Black Americans marched in the Nation's Capital for freedom. He spoke of his dream for freedom and equality for all men in the country. My favourite sentence from his speach is : "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judge by the color of their skin but by the content of their character".

  12. We are all equal. It seems to be easy for everyone today to accept this idea. We would say that MLK is a prophet because he said one day that would happen.
    But we have to be careful in the future because of economic crisis or unemployement ... people could think different.
    In my opinion, I want to live in a world where everyone is equal.
