
How do you feel about the death of queen Elizabeth II?


  1. The queen’s death didn’t affect me as much as the British because I’m French and I’m not really into the British politics. The French government was very touched as we have seen with the Emmanuel Macron’s tribute speech. I am aware of she reigned during 70 years and consequently I believe that is the best queen of all time in Europe. No one will take his place in the royal British family in United Kingdom because she made mark on British history.
    Lucie VITRÉ

  2. After the death of Queen Elizabeth, I feel like an era has passed because she has been on the throne for over 60 years and has been through a lot. So you can mourn her death. And I think this autumn is sad for the English people because you can say that she lost her mother. I think that the people will have a lot of time to recover, and get used to their new king for a long time
    Alexei Motko
