
Life in 20 years

How will life be different in twenty years?  Write a little about your personal situation and about life in general: housing conditions, technology, hobbies, work, etc.


  1. I think that in 20 years'; time on the personal side I will probably have a child and I will be married, I will live in a house and I will work and on the side of life in general I think that the technology will be much more developed and that everything will be robotized

  2. Hamala Ahardane4 May 2019 at 12:57

    I think 2039 won't be very much different from 2019, except for a few things.
    If we see it positively, maybe we will have the technologies and knowledge to cure any type of cancer and AIDS, the USA will provide free healthcare for anyone living on the US territory, global warming will just be a bad time during History, endangered species will be safe and the Earth would be as healthy as possible.
    If we decide to be negative, we can imagine that 2039 will be the year when the few last survivants of an economic apocalypse will die out of hunger or devoured by disturbing creatures created by scientists, in the hope of getting extinct animals back.
    The air would be unbreathable because of how polluted it would be,
    Donald Trump would have taken over the Earth in the past decade and would have hunt down any non-white ethnicities, becoming the new and (sadly) successful Adolf Hitler.
    No more animals on our now deceased planet. Everything has been killed by mankind and its selfishness. The few extra-terrestrial intelligent form of life would have just watched our world go down, without making any contact with us, too afraid we would be hostile to them.
    This last part is very very unlikely to happen, but yeah that's just what I could think of :)

  3. Hellloooo
    How will we live in 20 years?
    The daily routine will be different from what it is today. But what will it look like? We will print our clothes in 3D, finished the credit cards, we will pay with the fingerprint, our deodorant will be integrated into our T - shirt, the hyperloop capsule will be the new train, we'll be televised!
    All this will be normal for the new generations, but for us very weird I think!
    What do you think?

  4. Hiii,
    I went to Australia and visited the Sunshine Coast so I think it is a very nice local site to visite.
    The Sunshine Coast extends to 100 km north of Brisbane, between Caloundra and Rainbow Beach. This sunny coast offers beautiful golden sandy beaches, jalted national parks with tracks suv, lakes, rivers, mountains, tropical forests and impressive Glasshouse Mountains. Small coastal towns of Mooloolaba, and noosa are synonymous with traditional Australian holidays at the beach

  5. Hello, hello
    I think that in 20 years much will change.
    First, the planet will have evolved in the right direction, there will be no pollution, cities will be green and in favour of nature.
    At the level of the economy, France will be led by a president for all and generous, and will think of all the categories of people to help them in the wrong times.
    Then I think there will be more than electric cars to promote the good health of the planet!
    Finally, in shops where supermarkets, there will be more than robots to advise us or serve us, unemployment will be up
