
Self-assessment of your school year.

 Are you satisfied with what you have learnt? 

If you had to start over again, would you do the same things? If not what would you have done differently?


  1. Margaux Laporte16 May 2024 at 10:43

    This year was rich in learning, between tests and revision for the bac.
    If i had to start again, I think I would have done some things differently.
    On the one hand, I would have work harder from the beginning.
    This means I would have stop pushing everything to the next day and just do my work every day seriously.
    This is one of the things I would have done differently, because I have some regrets in the work I missed.
    On the other hand, I am kind of satisfied with what I did and wouldn’t change anything.
    It’s a though decision, because if you change the smallest thing, your year could have been completely different.
    Overall, I think I would have work a little bit more seriously at home.

  2. I liked this year, I was able to learn many things, including methods to speak and write better such as grammar, conjugation, vocabulary and orals but also to better understand English in writing and orally thanks to oral and written comprehension.

    But also on different countries including the United Kingdom and Australia.

    This year helped me improve in written and oral English.

    If I could change things, I would have done more games and group workshops to learn while having fun and no surprise controls!

    But it was still a good year!

  3. I am happy with what I learnt. I learn many things and I participate more compared to other years. But if I start again this year, maybe I do some things different.Like spend more time on math and learn my text for the french bac earlier in the year. Despite this I think I work as best as I can.

  4. This year was difficult and long but also happy. I experimented many new things and tried my best to improve myself. I'm very grateful for all the things that I learned. In school this year. They made me more mature and able to understand things that were mysterious to me before. Even during moments when I wasn't at my best i am grateful for them because they taught me a lot

    Realizing how huge the world is,i understood that English is very important. That's why I'm very grateful for what i learned in english class. I regret the time when I prioritized other things over english because knowing a language can be useful for a long time and can be very helpful in life for doing research or talking with strangers to know their opinions. I also learned about philosophy and literature in school and i appreciated it a lot. It made me understand many people and their thoughts which made my life easier and calmer. I loved learning about french literature this year and understood a lot of grammar which was very difficult for me before. The thoughts of the authors made me understand things like the beauty of nature and the importance of family and liberty. Now I feel like I can make better choices and express myself better. I also learned many other interesting things that are very helpful for me today like i can express myself clearly thanks to french, speak english better thanks to english classes, and have my own point of view thanks to HLP.

    There were moments when i doubted my abilities and my reason to work. During those moments i stopped enjoying studying and worked like a robot thinking"Is this really important?". At one moment i realized that nothing can change if I do nothing and i morally slapped myself because how dare i do nothing when so many things depend on me? I was supposed to be an example for my little brothers and sister, help my mother and i was just stopping being the person she wanted. If i could return to the past i would change myself,work harder, be more serious, and stop focusing on what others think of me and overthinking while trying to find a sense. Despite this i am happy to have made these mistakes in the past because they helped me to be better and not make them in the present. I learned a lot from my mistakes, in the end, they are not that bad.

    This school year taught me many things in school and also about myself. The knowledge that I got in school helps me in real life and made me more mature than I was. Making mistakes in the past also helped me because i learned how not to make them anymore. A quote from A. Einstein expresses very well what I experienced: "Information is not knowledge. The only source of knowledge is experience. You need experience to gain wisdom."

    Mata BEKAYEBA 105

  5. I am pretty satisfied with my year. First of all, I got to revise my grammar, which will come in handy if I take an english exan during the summer. Moreover, I feel like my oral expression has gotten much better. Finally, I learned a lot about the USA, the UK, and even Australia and the Realms ! That was the best thing about my english year. About the rest of the subjects, I am really satisfied with the three special classes I chose. Maths has made me realise how much I love, well, math... Computer Science was more than I could've wished for, we coded games ! Overall, it was a great year.

  6. I really liked this school year actually ! About English, this subject is one of my favorite and with what we worked on during the past months, I have learn so many things that I did not known so it was really interesting. About the other subjects like French for example, it was a bit hard to focus all days long but I really liked linear studies about literary works like "Manon Lescaut".
