
What do you think ?

 We should not have school on Wednesday. 


  1. I agree because we spend a lot of time at school and we are a lot of work at home. I quite agree also because I think having school 5 days in a row is exhausting. To finish I see eye to eye with this sentence because Wednesday we could sleep more and on Thursday we’ll be more in shape than the other day.

    1. Correction :
      We have a lot of work at home.

    2. Correction
      We have a lot of work.

    3. We have a lot of work at home

  2. ChloƩ Hattu:
    If we don't have school on wednesdays, it means that the hours of works we spend on that day will be placed on others, and we already have hard days. Furthermore, having a day off in an exhausting week would still be a good idea, because we don't have a lot of time in the afternoon.
    So I think that we should not have school on wednesdays.

  3. In France, since we enter middle school we go to school on Wednesday. Therefore it is part of our lives, going to school on Wednesday is totally normal. Personally, I think that not having school on Wednesday has pros and cons.

    Indeed, for instance, French students spend more time at school than the Spanish, yet it doesn't make French people smarter than the Spanish, that is to say it is not the fact of spending less time in school that will deeply impact academic success. One should remember that France is not among the highest in the World ranking of Academic Achievement. Furthermore, the idea of a free day in the week would able students that don't have the time, due to school, to practice extracurricular activities, sports like in the American system.

    However, the idea of not having school on Wednesday can have an impact on students' focusing as having a free day in the middle of the week may perturbate their ability to concentrate the next days. Moreover, we can see the bright side of having school on Wednesday, it is another day when we will see our friends and spend time with them, while studying.

    To summarise, not having school on Wednesday can offer free time in order to do extracurricular activities but also may affect students' focusing abilities.

    1. Correction
      - Attending school on Wednesday is mandatorywhen we attend middle school (l.1)
      - would enable students who (l.16)
      - when we see our (l.27)

  4. sara chamakhi 206

    I think we spend a lot of time at school. Sometimes we spend ten hours at school. At the end of the day we are exhausted. Moreover, we are focused only on the first hour of the day. So I think it’s unecessary to finish school late but having school on Wednesday is a good idea. That way we could focus more and learn easily than the other day.

  5. I totally agree because we have a busy week and we have a lot of homework from different subjects and we have no time for ourselves . in Germany, for example, the students have school every day of the week, only the morning and the afternoon are devoted to leisure and extracurricular activities.I think that in France we spend too much time at school compared to other countries. Finally I think we shouldn't have school on Wednesday to be able to rest to be motivated to go back to school the next day.

  6. Firstly, we have a lot of homework to do after a day at school and little time to rest. Not having school on Wednesday would allow us to take a break and get on with our homework for next days.
    I also think it would allow us to be more productive.
    To conclude, I couldn’t agree more. We should not have school on Wednesday.

  7. I strongely agree with that because I think this allows us to take a short break during the week.
    Also this allows to make some sports activities or do the entire homework of the rest of the week.
    That why I think we should not have school on Wednesday.

    1. I strongely agree with that because I think this allows to take a short break during the week.

  8. Wednesday is a day more "relax" than the other days at school because we work only on the morning. But I think that is better to not have school on this day because when we are not at school, we do activities like sport or music and this is very important for our well-being and mental health. Also, having free time would also allow us to be more productive and focused in class because we would have more time to prepare our classes and revise our tests.
    To conclude, we should not have school on Wednesday like in primary school.

  9. Hello,
    I think the government should consider this question.
 Firstly, and I’m sure of it, children (in elementary school) shouldn’t go to school on Wednesday. They need to be relaxed, and to be energetic.
    On the one hand for the middle and high school students I have the same opinion, because we are really tired but I can also understand the fact that we need to have classes, and Wednesdays help to spread the hours. However there is another problem : we have too many classes. There are typically lessons that are useless, even the teachers say so : science education with two hours per week. You can’t do nothing with two hours, plus they are split between two teachers and two different lessons, so in each of them there is one hour of study.
    The fact that we work on Wednesdays also presents us from doing our homework and being productive for the next day.
    It is important to note that working on Wednesdays doesn’t even allow students to have good schedules : I finish at 6p.m Monday and Tuesday and 4p.m Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
 However, if you have options like Russian which add three hours, working on Wednesdays would be a good compromise. But I’m actually in this situation and the problem is that I finish at 4p.m this day and I have no rest at all, and no time to work the evening and review controls. If I had Russian the morning, it wouldn’t bother me, as long as I have time to work and chill. But that isn’t the case, and it makes me tired, fortunately I like this lesson, because I think if I didn’t I would have stopped a long time ago.

    In conclusion, I definitely believe that we shouldn’t work on Wednesday and consider students’ health and energy before grades.

    Charlier Jade

    1. Correction :
      -you can’t do anything
      -also prevents us

  10. I think that if we didn't have school on Wednesdays, some people will take advantage of it to get ahead in their homework and others will take the opportunity to have fun and not to benefit in their organization. So I think that this day off can benefit some people and others not.
    Marion Oillaux

  11. Nadtochey Karina

    As soon as they enter middle school, French students go to class on Wednesday mornings. It quickly becomes a habit and is considered normal. Should we rest instead of going to class on Wednesdays?

    First, our weeks are already very busy. Besides having long school days, we have a lot of homework, especially in high school. Wednesday morning classes should therefore be replaced by a day off which students (and teachers) could take advantage of by resting, working better, doing other activities such as sports.
    On the other hand, it is preferable to go to class on Wednesday. If Wednesday were a rest day, too many students would be distracted and unable to work on Tuesday afternoon. Moreover, if we took away the Wednesday classes then these classes would be moved to other days, which are already very busy.

    To conclude, it is important to have classes on Wednesdays but only in the morning to have time to do something else in the afternoon while remaining focused on your studies. Personally, I have classes on Wednesday afternoons but that doesn't bother me.

  12. Hana Maza

    School on Wednesday is acquired for a long time, students have class only the morning except some go in the afternoon that day. I will then wonder if it would be better not to have school on Wednesday.

    First of all, all French students go to school everyday, expect of the week-end, the days are busy with 8 hours of lessons per day, also the many homework to do at home. I think that not having class on Wednesday would be a good idea so that the students have one more day to rest, progress in their homework or even do a sport or other activity. But I also think that school is important especially high school, this period is necessary to be able to carry out major studies, so not having class on Wednesday would be a better idea?

    In conclusion, I think we should keep the class on Wednesday morning but remove those in the afternoon, so that everyone can have a little more time to rest or do other activities.

  13. Kyara Carmona5 May 2022 at 20:37

    I am not sure it’s a good idea because if we have another day of rest, we will have more homework because teachers will consider that we already have a lot of resting days in the week. However I won’t say no to another rest day because having a break in the week could be really relaxing and it will let us having more time to prepare exams.

  14. I totally agree because we spend a lot of time at school. For example, Monday we do 8am 6pm in high school and it's very tiring. While in United States they finish early.

    1. Correction
      I totally agree because we spend a lot of time at school. For example, Monday we go to school 8am to 6pm in high school and it's very tiring. While in United States they finish early.


  15. In France, school is required from Monday at friday. But on Wednesday, students finish classes earlier. However Ithink it's necessary not to have school the wednesday, we will see why.

    For me it's important to have a break during the week even if there is the weekend because we can practice activities outside school like football or theater. Also we have more time to do our homework but we can also rest. It can also improve the daily lives of teachers who can rest.

    In conclusion, we can say that not going to school on Wednesdays allows the pupils but also the teachers to benefice.

  16. naamane mohamed25 May 2022 at 10:25

    I think it will be necessary to remove the school on Wednesday to have more rest.
