
Comment your expression.

 Write five sentences about what you know about the USA.


  1. The capital of the USA is Washington District Colombia. The USA are more military armed than Spain. The president Trump wanted build a wall between Mexico and the USA. It is composed of fifty states. The USA had been colonised by Christopher Columbus in 1492.

    1. The USA is more military armed than the Spain. President Trump wanted to build a wall between Mexico and the USA. America was discovered by Christopher Columbus. He didn’t colonise it.(sorry)

  2. - Georges Washington was the first President of America.

    - Mount Rushmore is a memorial that depicts the faces of the four
    most important presidents of the United States:
    George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and
    Abraham Lincoln.

    - The September 11 Memorial is located in midtown Manhattan.

    - New York JFK International Airport is named after John-F.-

    - Neil Armstrong was the first American astronaut to have set
    foot on the Moon, it was also him who pronounced this famous
    sentence: « That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for
    mankind ».

  3. The 5 facts are:

    -Population: 330,252,859 million

    -The United States is the 4th largest country in the world in terms of total area: 9.8 million km2

    -The United States is the home of professional sports.

    -Career and educational opportunities are plentiful in the United States

    -In the southern part of San Francisco, you will find one of the world's largest and most important centers for technology and innovation. Home to Facebook, Apple, Google, Tesla, and Visa, this entrepreneurial mecca is the place to be for all entrepreneurs looking for new collaborations and creations.

  4. -The United States is made up of 50 states.
    -The 5th president of the united states was James Monroe.
    -Martin Luther and Rosa Parks fought against racism.
    -America was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492.
    -The capital of the USA is Washington DC.

  5. - The 35th president of United States was John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
    - Mount Rushmore is an American peak turned memorial in the town of Keystone, near Rapid City, South Dakota.
    - In 1620, the arrival of the Mayflower on American shores is one of the founding events of American history.
    - In 2008, the election of B. Obama is probably the most important in the recent history of the United States.
    -New York is one of the largest cities in the United States.

  6. -They’re fifty states un the USA and the capital is Washington DC.
    -After the discovery of the USA, there were different waves of immigration.
    -Slaves were imported around 1618.
    -In 1863, Abraham Lincoln declared Emancipation (slaves were free).
    -Slaves had to wait one hundred years in 1964 to have civil rights.

  7. The first president of the USA was George Washington.
    The capital of the USA is Washigton DC.
    The current president of the USA is Joe Biden.
    The national day of the USA is the fourth July.
    New-York is the most populous city in the USA.
    Marie DEFRANCE 206

  8. 1) The declaration of independence of the USA was proclaimed on July 4, 1776.
    2) The first president of this country was G.Washington.
    3) The capital of the USA is Washington DC.
    4) National day is 4th of July.
    5)The USA is made up of 50 states.

    Victoria Lancar T2

  9. 1) The current president is Joe Biden. he succeeded Donald Trump who himself succeeded Barack Obama.
    2) The Statue of Liberty is a gift from France.
    3) July 4, 1776 13 colonies declare their independence. It's USA independence
    4)The Star-Spangled Banner is the national anthem of the United
    5) The united states is the fourth largest country in the world.

    Shirel RIAHI T07

  10. - Washington DC is the capital city of the USA.
    - United States has 50 States.
    - The Constitution of the United States was written in 1787.
    - The first American flag only displayed 13 stripes as well as
    13 stars that were arranged in a circle.
    The stars and stripes represented the 13 colonies that declared Independence from Great Britain.
    - The Gateway Arch is a monument in St. Louis, Missouri. At 630 feet tall, the Gateway Arch claims the title of the tallest man-made monument in the US.
